How do I know whether my ABSS product is being supported or not?

  • From 1 January 2019, ABSS will no longer be providing technical support for certain earlier versions of MYOB/ ABSS Accounting, MYOB/ ABSS Premier, MYOB/ ABSS Premier Plus and MYOB/ ABSS Payroll and will instead be focusing on providing support resources for customers who are either:
  • -Subscribed to an ABSS Business Support; or
  • -Registered users of the latest-version ABSS product; or
  • -Registered users of up to two versions before the latest-version MYOB/ABSS Premier, MYOB/ABSS Accounting, MYOB/ABSS Premier Plus and MYOB/ABSS Payroll
  • Registered Premium Business support user and your product version is two versions or older than current ABSS Premier, ABSS Accounting Software and ABSS Premier Plus were recommended you upgrade to latest version.

Are there any specials for me to upgrade to the most up-to-date version of my ABSS software?

  • The current pricing of the ABSS Premium Cover represents the best value of any of these offers, with an automatic upgrade to the latest version of your ABSS product included in the price.  Depending on your current product, you can also upgrade to a product with more functionality

If I upgrade to the current version, how long will I have until you stop supporting that program?

  • The change in policy effective 1 January 2019 will ‘roll’ with new versions of ABSS product. In other words, as a new version is introduced, customers who are using a version of ABSS product that is four versions back will no longer be able to access support from ABSS.

I purchased my ABSS product with the understanding that I would always be able to contact you for support. Why has this changed?

  • ABSS is dedicated to providing small business owners with the best possible technological platform on which to run a business as efficiently as possible. This includes the ability to interact with the latest operating systems (such as Windows XP) and applications, as well as providing access to the latest relevant legislative information, such as federal government tax tables.
  • Support resources for software with all of these dependencies are not cheap, and ABSS has had to balance the total support needs of all of its customers with the ability to provide these resources on demand at an acceptable price.
  • Demand on ABSS support resources is always consistently high, especially during the preparation of tax documentation and the end of financial year.
  • Of course we don’t know what a customer’s needs are until we answer the phone, and a query from a customer who is using an older version of ABSS Payroll software and is trying to juggle the end of year payroll with tax tables that are several years out of date is going to take a lot longer to assist than a customer with the latest version who is simply trying to trace an account or an invoice. Therefore, in trying to best meet the needs of all customers, ABSS has decided to priorities resources for those who have paid for their support up front, for those who have bought or upgraded to the latest version of an ABSS product, and for those up to two versions previous to the current version.
  • The introduction of this policy falls into line with software industry practice but provides customers with up to a year more of access to phone-based technical support in comparison to significant competitors.

Are you still using your ABSS product?

  • If you are still using your ABSS product to run your business and anticipate requiring phone-based assistance in the future (for example during end of financial year), we recommend you subscribe to ABSS Premium Cover, which will provide you with an automatic upgrade to the latest version of your ABSS product that is compliance with up to date legislative requirements along with ongoing access to phone-based technical support and more.

What services do you have access to if you are three versions and below?

  • If you are running your business on three versions and below of an ABSS product, ABSS is no longer providing phone-based technical support, and will NOT be able to assist you with the following procedures:
  • Repairs or recover your corrupted business datafile
  • Increase the number of user licenses or number of datafile
  • Retrieve or reset the master administrator password when you have forgotten, misplaced or changing of PC